Like many community services, Access SF, San Francisco public access station might close its doors because of a $500K budget cut.
I think Community Way might be a good model for them to raise these $500K. Here is how it would work:
- Access SF issues Access SF dollars.we could also call them vouchers or coupons
- Access SF negotiates with local businesses to get Access SF dollars accepted as payment for part of what is owned by customers. For instance: a local restaurant would accept 10% payment of the bill in Access SF dollars. Access SF explains that they will advertise Access SF dollars benefit on their channel and Web site, which will attract new business.
- Access SF sells Access SF dollars to SF residents on their Web site and at their office. These US dollars are used to fund the $500K.
Local businesses get advertising. Local residents get to support a community service without losing purchasing power. The community service gets its real dollars.
If Access SF sells $50 worth of Access SF dollars on average to 10,000 local residents, they’d get their $500K.